Country Health facilities Directory
Register your health facility with Africa4health Missions country health facilities online directory. This is the perfect platform to raise your health facility’s profile and extend your reach. To apply for funding or to receive our free goods for your projects, you need to be registered with Africa4health Missions.
Your Health Facility will be put on this website on your country health facilities directory, which will link to your website, or Facebook page or twitter or Instagram page for a yearly fee of £250. This fee will only be paid after the listing sample is approved by the one who will submit the details below: Health Facility registration Form
Send us your original country information on; Health facilities, videos, Music, Culture, Languages, Events, Health Programs, Health Projects, Health Products, Food recipes, attire, Tourism attraction, Industry, Agriculture, food preparations and cooking, and many more for free, to appear on this page. Please Note: NO Material on Politics, Violence, Strikes, Religion, Pornography, Country security. Videos and any other material or documentaries, must be your original production and not produced by someone else. No copyrights
Video supported Formats
This website supports the videos that are between 480 x 470 pixels to 1920 x 1080 pixels video.
Video formats supported are; avi; mpeg; mpg; mpe; mp4; mkv; .webm; mov; ogv; vob; m4v; 3gp; divx; xvid; mxf; wmv. The size limit for video files is 15GB per file. Once we uploaded, your video on this website, it is automatically transcoded into MPEG4 (containing the H.264 codec).

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