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Africa4health Missions

Liver & the Gall Bladder Health

Liver Dysfunction

The liver is the biggest glad in our body. Many chemical reactions take place in it. It has three main functions:

  1. Transformation of nutrients into other nutrients

  2. Bile production, which is needed to digest fats

  3. Blood cleaning, by neutralising and eliminating many foreign and toxic substances flowing into the blood system.

Many of these plants have choleretic properties, that is they favour bile secretion by hepatic cells. Hence, they reduce the congestion of the liver, and enhance its function. Other plants stimulate regeneration of hepatic cells when they have been damaged by several causes (viruses, medicines, toxic substances, etc).


It is the inflammation of the liver, usually caused by any virus. Its main symptom is Jaundice, a yellowish colouring of the skin due to the inability of the liver to eliminate bile, then it passed to the blood and permeates the skin and other tissues. Medicinal herb based treatment tries to enhance liver function so that this gland recover to its best working conditions. The same plants can be used as complementary substances in the treatment of cirrhosis. Besides these herbs, all those with choleretic properties are useful

Liver Toxicity

When liver cells have been damaged by medicines, chemical products, or poisonous mushrooms, any of these to plants can help enhancing the anti-poisonous functions of the liver and regenerating it cells

Fluid in the abdomen

The accumulation of liquids in the peritoneal cavity is called Ascitis. Its most frequent causes is hepatic cirrhosis. These plants activate blood flowing in the portal system, reduce the congestion of the liver, and promote the elimination of abdominal fluids. Hence, they improve the resolution of hepatic cirrhosis.

Gall Bladder Dysfunction

The gall bladder must empty the bile stored at the right time so that digestion continues normally. However, the bile emptying mechanism suffers from frequent disorders, which are shown is bloated stomach, pain in the liver area or in the omoplates, nausea, and headaches. In many cases, these disorders are cause by cholelithiasis (gall stones) or biliary mud (thick bile). Phytotherapy has plants able to regulate the bile emptying mechanism and make bile more liquid, thus avoiding the formation of new gall stones. All cholagogue plants are also useful.

Biliary Colic

Biliary colic takes place when the gall bladder tries to expel a stone or calculus formed in its interior. It is an acute disorder which may last for several days, with spasmodic contractions of the gall bladder and of the ducts by which the bile flows into the small intestine. This shows itself through pain, nausea, vomiting, and general discomfort. Besides these plants, all antispasmodic plants are also recommended

Pancreatic Insufficiency

All three plants mentioned here promote exocrine function of the pancreas, increasing the production of pancreatic juice, which is needed for digestion.

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