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Projects, Programs, Events, & Activities Registration form


  • Choose a unique project name 

  • Select your Organization from the drop-down selector

  • Choose a project theme.  This would be a short description of the challenge

  • Enter Participant Instructions.  This is for your clarification and reference, it is not displayed to users.

  • Create a unique pass code that you will share with Participants.  It allows them to register for the project.  The generate button will create a code if you do not want to invent your own.

  • Enter a Field Name for the Y-Axis.  This will be used for rating and charting.  An example of the field name might be Ease.

  • Enter instructions for the Y-axis. and example is 1 = Easy to buy or prepare,  100 = Difficult to find or prepare

  • Enter a Field Name for the X-Axis.  This will be used for rating and charting.  An example of the field name might be Cost.

  • Enter instructions for the X-axis. and example is 1 = Inexpensive,  100 = Expensive

  • Enter Names and Instructions for the Solution Voting.  This can be a copy of what you used for Ideas or you can choose something different.

  • Next enter the project dates.  The default is to set them for today's date.  However if you want to control when participants can move to next step, you can do so my manipulating the dates.

  • Save

  • Your project will require approval from the organization or site administrator.

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